About Me
A Jack of All Trades
While I love my career in design, I cannot say that it’s all that I do. Prior to making the plunge into graphic design and illustration, I attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for four years, where I spent two years working in an engineering-physics and propulsion laboratory as both the mechanical engineering lead and lead graphic designer (I bet you can guess which I enjoyed more). While I had many wonderful experiences in engineering, I realized that it was not the field for me: I changed my major to graphic design and never looked back. Of course, my time in engineering wasn’t for naught; many aspects of my illustration style, as well as a lot of my knowledge base when creating physical work, is rooted in my experiences with engineering. I also enjoy tinkering with electronics, creating structural sculptures, and coding.
Outside of my engineering background, I enjoy learning how to do new things quite often, which has expanded my general knowledge base tremendously. I enjoy traveling as well, and my experiences with new people and places often shape my ideas from a global perspective.